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Central City Public Schools



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All policies are not included, but will be added &/or updated as reviewed or approved.

1000 Series 

Policy Overview and Mission Statement

1001    General Policy Statement

1002    Creation & Amendment of Policies

1003    Mission Statement

1004    Distribution of Policies

2000 Series

Policies Regarding Role and Conduct of the Board of Education

2001    Role of the Board of Education

2002    Organization of the Board

2003    Development of the Board of Education

2004    Oath of Office

2005    Conflict of Interest - Board of Education

2006    Complaint Procedure

2007    Reimbursement & Miscellaneous Expenditures

2008    Meetings

2009    Public Participation at Board Meetings

2010    Preparation For Board Meetings

2011    Membership in Organizations

2012    Operating Principles

2013    Violation of Board Ethics

2014    Relationship With School Attorney

2016    Participation in Insurance Program By Board Members

2017    Indemnification & Liability Insurance

3000 Series

Business Operations

3001    Budget & Property Tax Request

3002    Deposits

3003    Bid Letting & Contracts

3003.1 Bid Letting & Contracts - Federal Money

3004    Purchases

3004.1 Fiscal Management Of Purchases Using Federal Funds

3005    School Activities Fund     

3007    Review of Bills

3008    Gifts, Grants, & Bequests

3009    Audit

3010    Insurance

3012    School Meal Program & Meal Charges

3013    Emergency Closings

3014    Use of School Property

3015    Time Away From School For Activities

3016    Smoking

3017    Communicable Diseases

3018    Denial of Access to School Premises & Activities

3019    Sale or Disposal of School Property

3020    Copyright Compliance

3021    Code of Conduct: Food Services 

3022     School Food Procurement   

3023     Electronic Records Management

3024   Volunteers

3025   Returned Checks

3026   Handbooks

3027   Operation of School Business Office

3028   Resolution of Conflicts Between Parents Over School Issues

3029    Sex Offenders

3033    Copying Fees for School District Records

3038    Federal Procurement Regulations

3039    Threat Assessment & Response

3040    School Safety And Security

3041    Crisis Team Duties

3042    Construction Management at Risk Contracts

3047    Data Breach Response

3048    Press Releases

3049    Drones & Unmanned Aircraft

3054    Law Enforcement Unit

3055    School Resource Officer

3057    Title IX

3057.1  Formal Complaint Form

3058    Naming of School Property

3059    Student & Staff Memorials

3060    Audio & Video Recordings

3075    Credit Cards

3076    Employee Travel Compensation           

4000 Series

Policies Regarding Employment and Staff

4001    Non-Discrimination

4002    Drug Free Workplace

4003    Drug Policy Regarding Drivers

4004    Employment of Relatives, Domestic Partners and Significant Others

4005    Communication Between Board Members & Employees

4006    Insurance

4007    Personnel Records

4008    Outside Employment

4009    Restrictions on Employees Receiving Gratuities

4010   Inclement Weather

4011    Family Medical Leave Policy

4012    Staff Internet & Computer Use

4013    Grievance Policy

4013.1 Grievance Form

4015    Prohibition Against Employment of Board Members

4016    Jury Duty/Service As Witness to the Court

4017    Relations with Collective Bargaining Association

4018    Corporal Punishment

4019    Workplace Injury Prevention & Safety Committee

4020    Copyright Policy

4021    Family Military Leave

4022    Certification & Endorsements

4023    Professional Ethics

4024    Teachers' Rights, Responsibilities & Duties

4025    Superintendent

4026    Administrative Employees

4027    Part-Time Certificated Employees

4028    Substitute Teachers

4029    Salary Schedule for Certificated Employees

4030    Evaluation of Certificated Employees

4031    Evaluation of Probationary Certificated Teachers

4032    Professional Growth, Policy Outline

4033    Rights of Probationary Certificated Employees

4034    Personnel Handbook

4035    Rights of Permanent Certificated Employees

4037    Reduction in Force

4038    Classified Staff Defined

4039    Employment Of Classified Staff

4040    Employment Terms for Classified Staff

4041    Staff Dress & Appearance

4042    Employee Social Security Numbers

4043    Professional Boundaries Between Employees and Students

4044    Staff Election Conduct

4045    Milk Expression

4046    Internet Searches Regarding Potential Employees

4047    Implementation of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

4048    Assessment Security

4049     Professional Ethics

4052    Job References to Prospective Employers

4053    Conflict of Interest: Employee

4056    Resignation of Certificated Staff

4057    Superintendent Evaluation

4058    Suicide Prevention & Training

4059    Staff & District Social Media Use

4060    School Vehicle Use

4061    Workplace and Non-Workplace Injuries

4062    Locker Room Supervision

4063    Extra Duty & Extended Contract Payments

4064    Transporting Students in Employee Vehicles

4065    Behavioral & Mental Health Trainings

4100    Employee/Volunteer Background Check


5000 Series

Policies Regarding Students

5001    Compulsory Attendance & Excessive Absenteeism

5002    Admission of Students

5002.1 Admission of Part Time Students

5002.1 Application for Part Time Enrollment

5002.2 Admission of Students Who Reside Out of the State of Nebraska

5003    Post Graduate

5004    Option Enrollment

5005    Transportation

5006    Foreign Exchange Students

5007    Enrollment of Expelled Students

5008    Pregnant & Parenting Students

5009    Adult Education

5010    Immunizations

5011    Physical Examination of Students

5012    Basic Testing Program

5013    Use of Test Results

5014    Homeless Students

5014.1 Homeless Student Forms

5015    Protection of Pupil Rights

5016    Student Records

5017    Routine Directory Information

5018    Parental Engagement Policy

5019    Process of Communicating With Parents

5020    Rights of Custodial & Non-Custodial Parents

5021    Reporting of Child Abuse or Neglect

5022    Investigations & Arrests by Police or Other Law Enforcement Officers

5022.1 Statement of Law Enforcement Officer Removing Child

5023    Student Illness

5024    Medication of Students

5025    Insurance Program

5027    Sexual Harassment of Students By Others

5027.1 Harassment Complaint Form

5027.2 Witness Disclosure From

5028    Initiations & Hazing

5029    Crisis Response Policy

5030    Emergency Medical Treatment

5031    Student Appearance

5032    Closed Campus

5033    Student Driving & Parking

5034    Handbooks

5035    Student Discipline

5036    Lockers

5037    Student Internet & Computer Use

5038    Lunch Program

5039    Money Raising Activities

5040    Work Permits

5041    Student Governments

5042    Bulletin Boards

5043    School Publications

5044    Safe Pupil Transportation

5045    Student Fees

5046    Secret Organizations

5047    Press Releases

5048    Emergency Response to life threatening Asthma or Systemic Allergic Reactions (ANAPHYLAXIS)

5050    Home Schools and/or Schools Not Meeting Approval and Accreditation Regulations

5051    Eye Examinations for Students

5052    School Wellness Policy

5053    Self Management of Diabetes or Asthma/Anaphylaxis

5054    Student Bullying

5054.1 Bullying Complaint Form

5055    Enrollment in Kindergarten

5055.2 Early Kindergarten Entry

5056    Free Expression of Students

5057    Parental Involvement W/ Title I Program   

5058    Threat Assessment and Response

5059    Dating Violence

5060    Service Animals

5060.1 Form for Service Animals    

5061    Use of Sniffer Dogs

5062    Lice and Nits

5063    Video Recording

5064    Title I Supplement, Not Supplant Policy

5065    Student Photographs and Video Policy

5075    Mandatory Drug Testing (Extracurriculars)

5080    Fire Drills & Emergency Procedures

5085    Concussion Policy

5085.1 Return To Learn - Cancer

6000 Series

Policies Regarding Curricular and Academic Matters 

6001    School Organization

6002    School Calendar

6003    Instructional Program

6004    Curriculum Development, Curriculum Review / Process

6005    Credits and Graduation

6005.1 Early Graduation

6006    Commencement Ceremony

6007    Senior Recognition

6008    Class Rank

6009    Grade Placement For Transfer Students

6009.1  Extended Campus Work

6010    Special Education Identification, Evaluation and Verification

6011    Fire Instruction

6012    Flag Display & Patriotic Observances

6013    Controversial Issues

6014    School Attendance And Activities

6015    Summer School

6016    Homebound Instruction

6017    Homework

6018    Grades

6019    Communication with Parents

6020    Multi-Cultural Education

6021    High Ability Learner

6022    Section 504 Grievance Procedure

6023    Relations with Non-Accredited Private or Home School Students

6025    Student Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices

6026    Emergency Dismissal

6027    Field Trips

6028    The Extracurricular Activities Program

6028.5 The Extracurricular Activities Program- Days Allowed 

6029    Activity Trips

6029.5  National Activity Trips

6030    Public Appearances of School Groups

6031    Emergency Expulsion Procedure

6032    Student/Sponsor Funding After Qualifying For a National Trip             

6033    Restraint & Seclusion of Students

6036    Reading Instruction and Intervention

6037    Selection of Library Materials

6038    Artificial Intelligence

6039    Repeat of Grade - Parent Request

6040    Prekindergarten Program

6041    Malcolm X Education

6042    Projection Maps

6050    Special Education Procedures

6051    Selecting Special Education Evaluators