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Central City Public Schools

Elementary School


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Parent/Teacher Organization Mission Statement


Email any questions or ideas to centralcitybisonpto@gmail.com

Be sure to follow our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/CCBisonPTO/





We have almost 60 yearbooks sold! To see it continue as a future project, we need to hit our goal of 85-100. Click the link above and add in the school code. If the school code does not work please try it again shortly or enter Nebraska, Central City, and Central City Elementary School.

For some reason, the QR code that was sent home on a flier a couple weeks ago is not working. Please share this post to help spread the word.

The Central City Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) is a community of parents, teachers and administrators who have joined together to educate and nurture the children of Central City Elementary School.

*To lend our energy, talent and time to enhance the quality of education and school environment
*To support teachers to ensure the highest physical, mental and social education
*To invite a diverse and broad participation from parents
*To promote a team atmosphere among parents, teachers and administration
*To assist parents in developing skills they need to raise and protect their children
*To foster a sense of school pride

What does this mean to your family? It means that we, as an organization, are continually looking for ways to enhance your family's experience at Central City Elementary school.
Your PTO is not about meetings, we are a hands on organization. Last year, we helped support our high school homecoming through participating in the pep rally, helped organize the very popular Grandparents' Day, and helped supply special treats for the Christmas movie party. We believe that the smiles, excitement, and learning that resulted from these programs complement and enhance the experience for all those at Central City Elementary.
Some of our projects are modest, like giving small potted flowers as thanks to our paraprofessionals. Others are tremendous, like fundraising for, purchasing, and installing new permanent playground activities. All the things we do require some amount of time, effort, and money.
We believe that each of our projects is important. We hope that your family has seen the fun and benefit from the projects mentioned above, and others like Literacy Night and Play Day In the Park. We ask for you to join us. Bring your ideas, bring your talents, bring your passion. We can use you!

For some families, this may mean simply supporting our fund-raisers. For others, it can mean
providing snacks or volunteering in your child’s classroom. Perhaps you are able to attend a quarterly meeting, help plan a fundraising campaign or an event, or serve on our Board. Your availability and imagination are the only limitations to your involvement.

Do a little, do a lot, just do something!

Mission Statement PDF