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Central City Public Schools



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Board of Education Meeting Information

The Central City Public Schools is governed by the Central City Board of Education. Six members are elected at-large for a four year term. The board members are nonpartisan. The board members serve the entire school district. Three board members are elected every two years.

The regular board meetings are held on the third Monday of the month. The meetings are generally scheduled for 8:00 p.m., but may on occasion, change date and times based on scheduling circumstances. Meeting agendas are posted on the Central City Public Schools website under the District tab in the Board of Education information.  The agenda is also available in the superintendent's office 48 hours preceding the board meeting.

The board meetings are held in the Central City Public Schools High School Conference Room at 1510 28th Street, unless otherwise noted on the meeting notice and/or meeting agenda. Board meetings are open to the public. Notices of regular meetings are posted in the central office, courthouse, and city hall along with being published in the Republican Nonpareil.